Title: | Charge transfer processes in CsI:Tl using near-UV light |
Collection | Articles |
Authors: |
Department of special chemistry and chemical engineering |
Keywords: |
activator, charge transfer, CsI:Tl crystals, electron pulse beam, excitation, laser, photo-conductivity, radiation, spectrum, temperature |
Publisher: | Journal of Luminescence |
Year of publication: | 2014 |
UDC: | 535.337 |
Document type: | article |
Language of the document: | English |
Added to the archive: | 16.03.2017 |
Summary of the document: | Yakovlev V. Charge transfer processes in CsI:Tl using near-UV light / V. Yakovlev, L. Trefilova, A. Meleshko at al. // Journal of Luminescence/ - № 155, - 2014. - р. 79–83 |
Short link: | http://repositsc.net/en/?p=88 |
Permanent link: | /charge-transfer-processes-in-csi-tl-using-near-uv-light/ |
Link to file: | |
| Charge transfer processes in CsI:Tl using near-UV light
Abstract (rus.): | В статье изучаются процессы переноса заряда в кристаллах CsI:Tl путем анализа спектров объемной фото-проводимости, поведение температуры объемного тока фото-проводимости, а также вида и интенсивности импульса излучения активатора при возбуждении электронным импульсным пучком и / или лазерным импульсным излучением при температурах от 80 до 400 К. |
Abstract (ukr.): | У статті вивчаються процеси переносу заряду в кристалах CsI: Tl шляхом аналізу спектрів об'ємної фото-провідності, поведінка температури об'ємного струму фото-провідності, а також виду та інтенсивності імпульсу випромінювання активатора при збудженні електронним імпульсним пучком і / або лазерним імпульсним випромінюванням при температурах від 80 до 400 К. |
Abstract (eng.): | This paper studies charge transfer processes in CsI:Tl crystals by analyzing the bulk photo-conductivity spectra, the temperature behavior of the bulk photo-conductivity current and the shape and intensity of the activator emission pulse excited by an electron pulse beam and/or laser pulse emission at temperatures between 80 and 400 K. The Tl concentration in CsI:Tl crystals varies from 103–101 mass%. It has been determined that near-UV light induces a bulk conductivity in CsI:Tl crystals only when the Tl concentration is greater than 3103 mass%. A mechanism is proposed to explain the charge transfer processes with photons whose energy is approximately half the width of the CsI band gap. Near-UV light causes charge transfer from I to Tlþ ions, forming Tl0 centers in the 6p2 P1/2 ground and 6p2 P3/2 excited states. The electron, assisted by phonons, leaves the Tl0 center from either the 6p2 P1/2 or 6p2 P3/2 states and overcomes the 0.13 or 0.30 eV energy barrier, respectively, and subsequently populates the activator conduction sub-bands, which are found inside the band gap of CsI:Tl. The formation of activator sub-bands is possible only above the threshold Tl concentration, i.e., above 3103 mass%. |